Sunday, March 28, 2010


Meltaguns. Probably the most spammed weapon in the standard 5th edition Imperial Guard army list (besides maybe Autocannons). Well, much to the luck of the steel legion, GW has produced neither a meltagun or autocannon model for my favourite gas mask wearing army, leaving me with little choice but to convert. Autocannons won't feature in my army lists, I like the versatility of missile launchers a lot more, but meltaguns seem to be a must to deal with heavy armour, monstrous creatures and T4> 2+ save models.

So I present to you my metlagun conversion. Made from the barrel of a multimelta from an ancient landspeeder (the one in the 3rd edition starter kit) and a paperclip stuck onto a trimmed up lasgun. This was the test mini and hasn't been painted fully yet, however here's the basic idea.

I think the next one will use the barrel from the meltagun in the cadian command sprue and I'll paint the tubing up to look like it fits the model better. Overall I think it's pretty good and saved me a lot of chopping to get the lasgun completely out of this troopers hands.

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